The 100 Is Saying May We Meet Again Like Saying I Love You

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The 100 Quotes Showing 1-thirty of 53
"Octavia was the only person in the globe who truly knew him. There was no ane else he really cared virtually ever seeing again. Merely then he glanced over Clarke, who was leaning over to breathe in the scent of a brilliant pink flower, the sun catching the gold strands in her hair, and all of a sudden he wasn't and so certain."
― The 100
― The 100
"That was the thing about secrets-you had to acquit them with you forever, no matter what the price."
― The 100
― The 100
"exhilaration fizzed through Clarke's body. Before she realised what she was doing, she had thrown her arms around Bellamy. He joined in her laughter equally he staggered backward, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her through the air. The colours of the clearing swirled, green and gold and bluish all blurring until there was nothing in the globe but Bellamy's smile, lighting up his eyes. Finally he set her down gently on the basis. Exist he didn't loosen his grip. Instead he pulled her fifty-fifty closer, and before Clarke had time to catch her jiff, his lips were on hers. A voice in her brain told her terminate, merely information technology was overpowered past the smell of his skin and the pressure of his touch on. Clarke felt like she was melting into his arms, losing herself in the kiss. He tasted similar joy, and joy tasted meliorate on Globe."
― The 100
― The 100
"Y'all couldn't wait anyone else to share your suffering. Y'all had to bear your pain alone."
― The 100
― The 100
"Yous need to let yourself be happy. Or else, what's the point of anything?"
― The 100
― The 100
"He'd never known a daughter who was so beautiful and intense at in one case."
― The 100
― The 100
"He tasted like joy, and joy tasted improve on Earth."
― The 100
― The 100
"But Bellamy had been doing stupid things his whole life, and he had no intention of stopping at present."
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"But I should warn you… I'll probably have off my shirt at some point."
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"Bellamy didn't know why the aboriginal humans fifty-fifty bothered doing drugs. What was the indicate of shooting junk into your veins when walking through the forest had the same effect?"
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"Although the astronomical outcome of a lifetime was playing out correct before his optics, he was looking only at her."
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"Everyone was pointing up at the sky, which was turning into a symphony of colour. First, orange streaks appeared in the blue, like an oboe joining a flute, turning a solo into a duet. That harmony built into a crescendo of colors every bit yellow and and so pink added their voices to the chorus. The sky darkened, throwing the array of colors into fifty-fifty sharper relief. The word sunset couldn't possibly comprise the meaning of the beauty above them, and for the millionth time since they'd landed, Wells found that the words they'd been taught to draw World paled in comparison to the real thing."
― The 100
― The 100
"Bellamy leaned back with a sigh and closed his eyes, wondering how long it would take until she stopped beingness the terminal person he thought nearly before he fell comatose.
- Bellamy near Clarke"
― The 100
"why were you so mean to little Chancellor Inferior?" Clarke looked at him with a mixture of shock and indignation. For a moment, he thought she might actually hit him, but then she only shook her head. "That'south none of your business." "Is he your boyfriend?" Bellamy pressed. "No," Clarke said flatly. But then her mouth twitched into a questioning smile. "Why exercise y'all care?" "Just taking a census," Bellamy replied. "Specifically, to determine the relationship condition of all the pretty girls on Earth."
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"Bellamy had come up down from scanning the heavens only to find himself in the depths of hell."
― The 100
― The 100
"Maybe here in the ruins of the old world, they could start something new."
― The 100
― The 100
"He'd e'er causeless those ancient poets had been full of shit, or at least had much better drugs than he'd ever tried."
― The 100
― The 100
"I don't want to spend another day without you lot. I want to go to slumber every night with you by my side and wake up next to you every morning. I want nothing else but you lot, for the rest of my life."
― The Hundred
― The Hundred
"You proceed us live, and I'll go on you on two feet.
- Bellamy Blake"
― The 100
- Bellamy Blake"
― The 100
"Who we are and who nosotros demand to be to survive are two unlike things."
― The 100
― The 100
"The rain was simply water, and there was no such affair as a make clean commencement. That was the thing with secrets - yous had to behave them with you forever, no affair what the cost."
― The 100
― The 100
"I figured everyone deserved to be able to fall comatose at night. To wake up without feeling that your nightmares had left scars inside your head."
― The 100
― The 100
"There was no drug strong enough to repair a cleaved middle."
― The 100
― The 100
"I honey yous" he whispered in her ear. No affair how many times she heard them words, they never ceased to brand her shiver."
― The 100
― The 100
"He'd always assumed those ancient poets had been full of shit, or at least had much meliorate drugs than he'd always tried."
― The 100
― The 100
"Finally, he set her down gently on the ground.
But he didn't loosen his hold. Instead, he pulled her even closer, and before Clarke had fourth dimension to catch her breath, his lips were on hers."
― The 100
But he didn't loosen his hold. Instead, he pulled her even closer, and before Clarke had fourth dimension to catch her breath, his lips were on hers."
― The 100
"You need to permit yourself be happy. Or else, what'southward the indicate of anything?"
― The 100
― The 100
"They all had ash in their lungs and tears in their eyes. But Wells had claret on his hands."
― The 100
― The 100
"Whatsoever spot on this planet was going to be infinitely ameliorate than the world they'd left behind. For the starting time fourth dimension in his life, he was free."
― The 100
― The 100
"Good people tin can make mistakes. Information technology doesn't mean you lot stop caring about them. (Clarke)"
― The 100
― The 100
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